Bena has repeated complained about finding small changes to his wallmaps in 
places he didn't edit - usually walls deleted, sometimes H bits added. 
(although I haven't heard recently). I thought a possible cause might be #1129, 
though Bena didn't think so. But it seems likely that default passability is 
getting applied to certain isolated tiles for some reason, possibly in some 

Bena frequently upgrades to the most recent nightly.


> Artimus Bena: Anyone else experience an issue where certain wall lines 
> randomly disappear?
> Artimus Bena: Been happening for a while, just getting around to mentioning it
> Foxley: It happens to me a lot when I'm doing mark+clone
> Foxley: I rely on default passability for everything now, so I can always 
> reset it anytime
> tmc: @ Artimus Bena: do you know when they disappear? you just notice that 
> they went missing at some point?
> tmc: @ Foxley: more than a year ago you reported that sometimes using undo in 
> the map editor put garbage on the map. Did that stop happening? this sounds 
> similar, any idea whether it's related to undo?
> tmc: the mark/clone tool is actually implemented using undo/redo with a 
> separate undo buffer: 'mark' creates an undo step, and 'clone' applies that 
> undo step offset to the current cursor position
> tmc: so what happens, when you use 'clone', some of the cloned tiles have the 
> wrong walls? do they have garbage walls, or blank walls?
> Artimus Bena: I noticed it without having cloned anything, but the wall issue 
> that prompted me saying something is coincidentally an exact spot I did some 
> cloning. And I am exceedingly careful about checking walls when I've made any 
> change.
>   I will pay closer to attention to any possible cause-effect relationships

(Note: the undo garbage bug mentioned was very probably caused by #32, and that 
part of that bug is fixed, so I removed the rest of the conversation with 


> Bena: @ tmc Maybe a clue on the 'mysterious missing walls' thing: It may have 
> something to do with saving the map while GAME is running, and perhaps also 
> involving the player being in that map at the same time.
> Bena: In this case, what specifically happened were that two wall squares I 
> put down earlier were suddenly no longer there -- in a part of the map I had 
> not touched since
> tmc: yeah but are you sure they were there when you were editing that part of 
> the map, or did you possibly accidentally remove them at the time?
> Bena: My certainty is very high that I placed the squares. Additionally, I do 
> wallmap checks as a matter of obsessive habit after making any other changes
> Bena: Though the default is no wall on these particular tiles
> (Happened more than once)
> In this example, tiles were 4 tiles apart vertically on a 78x70 map
> Bena: Hmmm. One more thing I'm seeing
> Bena: "H" bits on tiles, which I had definitely removed
> Bena: This may in fact be related to default passabiliity
> Bena: Also, this happened in the same X as the others: 58
> tmc: so those tiles with the H bits have wall bits equal to the default 
> passability bits?
> Bena: Yes
> Bena: And identical tiles elsewhere were unaffected by the bug
> Bena: The X column thing could be a coincidence though. The last time I saw 
> this, it seemed to be in a few spots. I will keep my eyes open

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