On 25 May 2011, at 13:39, Jesus Cea wrote:

> On 25/05/11 13:54, Garrett D'Amore wrote:
>> illumos is already using ssh as the primary hg mechanism, fyi.  Seems to 
>> work far better than http.
> I use HTTPS, with "hostfingerprints" in the configuration (hg > 1.7.x).
> I don't want SSH because firewalls and because I don't want to mess with
> users on this machine.
> Garrett, what "far better working" are you seeing using mercurial with SSH?.

I'm not sure I see an abiding objection here: hg.illumos.org is published via 
ssh, and, among other virtues, it just works. There are also https mirrors and 
git/https for people who need to deal with firewall issues or want to fetch 
with a different SCM. As long as there's a mirror that provides something like 
https support, do you really care whether the primary repo is https vs. ssh?

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