richlowe's been working on both, but neither are in use with OI.

My preference for all of this functionality would be to have the validation
done by the pull request. Webrevs could be generated automatically, and the
applicable nits would give feedback requesting either that they be resolved
for a subsequent pull or by providing quick notes or tick boxes to explain
why they aren't strictly necessary. You're provided an issue tracker ID for
the submit request, and that tracks these kinds of things and is
responsible for generating the webrev and sending out the review mail once
issues immediately applicable to the submission are resolved. Workflow
would also be responsible for checking CI build and test status as a
prereq. An issue tracker could used to provide all the workflow state, but
if that's too clunky (or the issue tracker too unreliable), it could be put
into a database.

That's my cocktail napkin sketch of workflow (or at least the basics--there
are other pieces I have in mind), which fuses some stuff I talked about at
the illumos hackathon with the floor discussion on the contribution process
we had at FOSDEM.

On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 6:27 PM, Milan Jurik <> wrote:

> Hi Alan,
> Alan Coopersmith píše v ne 12. 02. 2012 v 10:01 -0800:
> > On 02/12/12 09:29 AM, Milan Jurik wrote:
> > > Btw. how is status of cadmium features on git? Like recommit?
> >
> > git rebase is far more powerful & useful than cadmium recommit,
> > especially once you learn git rebase --interactive.
> >
> I know rebase is very powerfull but as "recommit" is key part of the
> process, rebase power is also danger. recommit is simple enough to be
> nearly 100% safe to use by everybody.
> > The cadmium features that are missing from git are the ones more
> > specific to the opensolaris project, such as webrev integration
> > and checking project policy (nits, pbchk, etc.).
> >
> I think there is support for git in webrev in queue. pbchk support
> probably not yet.
> Best regards,
> Milan
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