Sorry to dig up an old topic but this is kind of a continuation.

Whenever I try to do an upgrade my desktop is completely screwed after a

I turned of "Visual Effects", and tried again and it still failed.

I forgot about it for ages.

I tried to install "pcre" and got:

root@jadlaptop:~# pkg install -nv --no-refresh pkg:/library/pcre
            Packages to update:         2
     Estimated space available:  13.40 GB
Estimated space to be consumed: 314.08 MB
       Create boot environment:        No
Create backup boot environment:       Yes
          Rebuild boot archive:        No

Changed packages:
    8.21,5.11- ->
    1.2.3,5.11- ->

and noticed a few bad changes on my system, including thunderbird not
working any more.

I rebooted and got exactly the same dead-desktop as before with the same
core dumping.

I've booted into the backup and now I've run a "pkg freeze pkg:/library/zlib
@1.2.3", and will do an update with that in place to see if that will
work/fail miserably.


rebooted after the upgrade and everything appears to be working (with the
exception of svc:/application/pkg/server:default which I just disabled)

Should I be looking out for anything else suspicious?


On 23 July 2013 12:29, Jonathan Adams <> wrote:

> I didn't think you had, I wasn't trying to push, I just realised that I
> hadn't posted the links to the group (on our helpdesk system I often ask
> questions to get more information so that someone else has the information
> they will need to fix the problem, and I assume that other people do
> likewise)
> On 23 July 2013 12:23, Alexander Pyhalov <> wrote:
>> On 07/23/2013 15:07, Jonathan Adams wrote:
>>> reposting to include oi-dev, not just Alexander :)
>> I didn't found anything useful, but I didn't have enough time look at
>> this attentively.
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Alexander Pyhalov,
>> system administrator of Computer Center of Southern Federal University
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