last week I compiled and installed E17 (32bit only) on my laptop running hipster. So far, except one quirk with file saving in the screenshot application there is not major issue and everything compiles fine with gcc (all the core libraries + Exquisite). Enlightenement relies on the XCB librairies [1] which are not present in oi-userland.

For testing purposes, I created a branch in my github account adding the following dependencies in the x11 directory of oi-userland:

xcb-proto 1.9
libxcb 1.9.3
xcb-util 0.3.9
xcb-util-keysyms 0.3.9

I just compiled 32bit versions only and installed them in /usr for the sake of simplicity.

Since I do not know how X11-related questions are handled, I would like to know if similar work has been done and whether these XCB components should be included in userland. For instance, Ken Mays and/or Alan Coopersmith, do you possibly have an input on that ?

Thank you.
Best regards,


[1] http://xcb.freedesktop.org/

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