Not that I have a lot of say in the matter, but my feeling is that Apache
1.3 though should go away even if that means that the print/lp stack goes

The Apache Foundation tell people not to use their v1 server ... 2.0.64 is
their "Legacy" version

While on Solaris 10 I'm a big consumer of the old lp system, on my Illumos
boxes they all use CUPS, which is a lot nicer to talk to when combined with

print/lp is easy to manipulate at the command prompt over slow connections,
CUPS is easy to manipulate in a web browser ... I am having trouble
teaching the "new" kids to do it at the prompt, it's easier to teach them
the one in the browser anyway.

Just my 2Cents.


On 6 May 2014 08:48, Alexander Pyhalov <> wrote:

> Hello.
> When I tried to rebuild apache 1.3 again I found out that mod_ssl doesn't
> like OpenSSL 1.0.
> Of course, I could look at it and try update it, but does someone really
> use apache 1.3?
> Now it's only used as illumos-gate build dependency.
> Last time the question of removing print/lp* from the gate was rejected
> partially because cups didn't provide trusted printing support.
> Our (OI /hipster) version of cups has TX patches. However, I haven't
> checked that it works.
> As I understand, most distributions have already stripped this code. Isn't
> it a good time to reconsider the question - either update dependency to
> apache 2 or remove it?
> --
> Best regards,
> Alexander Pyhalov,
> system administrator of Computer Center of Southern Federal University
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