On 03/22/16 11:11 PM, Alexander Pyhalov wrote:
Alexander Pyhalov писал 23.03.2016 01:07:
Hello. Currently I don't have server installations suitable for
testing KVM, so I need testers.

And binary package is here:
pkg://userland/system/qemu/kvmadm@0.10.3,5.11-2015.0.2.0:20160322T221009Z at http://buildzone.oi-build.r61.net:1000/

illumos KVM from joyent requires Intel CPU with EPT instruction to work.
https://wiki.smartos.org/display/DOC/Hardware+Requirements#HardwareRequirements-KVMRequirements There is unfinished variant running on VT-only and AMD CPUs but is unfinished.
ATM I personally don't have Intel EPT CPU to test.

I have added manual for testing with mirroring and installing per-packages on this Wiki page:

See if package version differs from already installed package:
pkg list | grep newpackagename

Make new *local mirror* publisher, populate it with testing package(s) and start *pkg.depotd* for serving packages: (assuming _/export/home/share/oi-userland_ for mirror files location; *pkgrecv -r* recursively mirrors required packages.

mkdir /export/home/share/oi-userland
pfexec beadm create hipster-backup

pkgrepo create /export/home/share/oi-userland
pkgrepo set -s /export/home/share/oi-userland/ publisher/prefix=userland
pkgrecv -s http://buildzone.oi-build.r61.net:1000/ -d /export/home/share/oi-userland -r newpackagename
pkgrepo refresh -p userland -s /export/home/share/oi-userland
/usr/lib/pkg.depotd -d /export/home/share/oi-userland -p 10000

And adding new publisher to global zone and other linked-image *zones* and install packages for testing: (assuming zone location in _/zones/build/zone1_)

pfexec pkg set-publisher -g http://localhost:10000 userland
pfexec pkg -R /zones/build/zone1/root/ set-publisher -g http://localhost:10000 userland

pfexec pkg uninstall entire userland-incorporation
pfexec pkg install newpackagename

Feel free to share your findings on use *#oi-dev* IRC channel <http://wiki.openindiana.org/display/oi/IRC> on Freenode.net, *oi-dev* Openindiana mailing list <http://wiki.openindiana.org/display/oi/Mailing+Lists>and Openindiana issues bug database <https://www.illumos.org/projects/openindiana/issues>.

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