>I've kept things current with the Intel 2D driver. Started to sync your work 
>with the latest Intel DRM/Mesa 12.0.1
>for the next OI-Hipster release. Will work on OpenSXCE testing as time 
>permits.  Intel Iris Pro P580 works
>with your code.

Thanks Ken for your also unpaid userland X11 work dating back to the good old 
Sun OpenSolaris and even Blastwave times  :)

>Glad to send a donation to the cause.

Thanks, that would help at least a small bit for the most urgent bills, like a 
tiny drop into the desert.
But so far there is nothing visible from you in my Paypal account  m...@gmx.com 

Well,  as it appears from feedback (lack of) nobody is using Intel anymore and 
so nobody needs Intel-KMS.
Maybe nobody uses computers anymore and I just misssed the news.
Bad luck that in fact less folks appear to be using x64 now (2 persons)  than 
there were SPARC volunteers for OpenSXCE.

Such "donations" (I put them into double quotes, because my family, my girl, 
and my career [lack of] and my wellbeing [lack of] are the donors) .
The last time I could invite my wife to a beach vacation was in 2008 (and based 
on borrowed money which I still couldn't pay back).

Now, as I wrote a felt 10k times since 2003 on Blastwave: What I need is not 10 
EUR for which the sender expects me to stay thankful for all eternities. A paid 
Solaris job would be more helpful. There were a few (very few) such offers, 
such as last year from a fellow-german (the one who proudly stated "NO, hahaha, 
in our company we NEVER EVER pay anything for any software, hahaha)". It later 
turned out that his company's *promised* 450 EUR per month were only based on 
me doing development work for them, rather than being a donation. And at 450 
EUR per month. I never heard anything from that "friend" again.

I could list 3 more such cases, but that's it.
While there were also real friends in the past, but as said, no donation can 
replace a real job. In Germany the prices.

Err forget it.

The commercial Illumos capitalists making money on (by no means only my) work 
shall know that I cannot do this stuff any longer unless they finally come down 
from their high horses.

Now I published FF, Flash-Plugin gcc compiled FF support, Intel-KMS and could 
publish grub3 UEFI32 support at any minute.
Be happy with that and good luck.

Why I take this personally???

Example, I worked 6 months non-stop on OpenSXCE2013.01 and about the same time 
combined to get 2013.05 and 2014.05 out.
When I published it the first thing I received as "thank you" were hate-mails 
like "Nobody wants SPARC" on Illumos-devel, following the release on January 
28th 2013 (when I lost my old flat because of the same work).

You can verify that in the archives:


Maybe 4 likes on twitter.

Now that Alexander Eremin published a really minimal (which is good by itself 
for minimization reasons, but involves less complexity than supporting X11 with 
JDS on SPARC, openXsun needed to get ported etc etc etc) he instantly received 
17 likes and 23 RE-tweets.

>I've kept things current with the Intel 2D driver. Started to sync your work 
>with the latest Intel DRM/Mesa 12.0.1
>for the next OI-Hipster release. Will work on OpenSXCE testing as time 
>permits.  Intel Iris Pro P580 works
>with your code.

Thanks Ken for your also unpaid userland X11 work dating back to the good old 
Sun OpenSolaris and even Blastwave times  :)

>Glad to send a donation to the cause.

Thanks, that would help at least a small bit for the most urgent bills, like a 
tiny drop into the desert.
But so far there is nothing visible from you in my Paypal account  m...@gmx.com 

Well,  as it appears from feedback (lack of) nobody is using Intel anymore and 
so nobody needs Intel-KMS.
Maybe nobody uses computers anymore and I just misssed the news.
Bad luck that in fact less folks appear to be using x64 now (2 persons)  than 
there were SPARC volunteers for OpenSXCE.

Such "donations" (I put them into double quotes, because my family, my girl, 
and my career [lack of] and my wellbeing [lack of] are the donors) .
The last time I could invite my wife to a beach vacation was in 2008 (and based 
on borrowed money which I still couldn't pay back).

Now, as I wrote a felt 10k times since 2003 on Blastwave: What I need is not 10 
EUR for which the sender expects me to stay thankful for all eternities. A paid 
Solaris job would be more helpful. There were a few (very few) such offers, 
such as last year from a fellow-german (the one who proudly stated "NO, hahaha, 
in our company we NEVER EVER pay anything for any software, hahaha)". It later 
turned out that his company's *promised* 450 EUR per month were only based on 
me doing development work for them, rather than being a donation. And at 450 
EUR per month. I never heard anything from that "friend" again.

I could list 3 more such cases, but that's it.
While there were also real friends in the past, but as said, no donation can 
replace a real job. In Germany the prices.

Err forget it.

The commercial Illumos capitalists making money on (by no means only my) work 
shall know that I cannot do this stuff any longer unless they finally come down 
from their high horses.

Now I published FF, Flash-Plugin gcc compiled FF support, Intel-KMS and could 
publish grub3 UEFI32 support at any minute.
Be happy with that and good luck.

Why I take this personally???

Example, I worked 6 months non-stop on OpenSXCE2013.01 and about the same time 
combined to get 2013.05 and 2014.05 out.
When I published it the first thing I received as "thank you" were hate-mails 
like "Nobody wants SPARC" on Illumos-devel, following the release on January 
28th 2013 (when I lost my old flat because of the same work).

You can verify that in the archives:


Maybe 4 likes on twitter.

Now that Alexander Eremin published a really minimal (which is good by itself 
for minimization reasons, but involves less complexity than supporting X11 with 
JDS on SPARC, openXsun needed to get ported etc etc etc) he instantly received 
17 likes and 23 RE-tweets (of which likes and 2 retweets are mine from my 2 
accounts btw).


So, what does it mean?
It means that software != software.
It all depends on if the person in question ever spoke out the truth in public 
versus if he prefers his career chances.

Sorry, that's not what the bloody West promised to us before 1989.
And I as East-German do feel betrayed by the West for _very_ good reasons.

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