On 09/08/2016 11:38 AM, Gordon Ross wrote:
[ Was: Whoa! emacs broken? ... ]

Out of curiosity, I tried temporarily removing the vmware xorg driver.
That eliminates the "damage redraw" bug I described previously.
Unfortunately, that leaves the vmware guest restricted to modes that
can't cover the host screen, don't resize with the guest window, etc.

But anyway, this would seem to narrow down the problem to somewhere in

Next I guess I'll want instructions for building and debugging that.
Any tips for that?


Hi Gordon,

I don't mean to highjack your thread, but am curious how you have managed to load the vmware driver. On a fresh install in VMware player, when I run the modinfo command, I only see the vga driver loaded.

 92 fffffffff7ccc000   4898 276   1  vgatext (VGA text driver)

The vmware(7) man page suggests the vmware video adapter should be auto-detected and automatically load the vmware driver.
This however does not seem to be the case.

Did you have to create a custom xorg.conf or something?

BTW...my past attempts at installing vmware tools for Solaris have been less than successful as doing so usually results in a mouse which no longer works. Presumably the tools would create a new xorg.conf I would think. The times where it didn't kill the mouse, I was still unable to seamlessly move the mouse in and out of the virtual machine as can be done with Virtualbox.

I'd like to use vmware player over virtualbox because it's apparent disk performance is so much better. What I mean is in only takes a few minutes to install OI in vmware player, whereas on Virtualbox, it's tens of minutes.


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