On 05/29/17 01:23 AM, Aurélien Larcher wrote:
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 2:38 PM, Alexander Pyhalov <a...@rsu.ru> wrote:

Sorry for the delay.
I just tested you MATE 1.18 builds and I must say I am very impressed.
The Nimbus theme looks neat (modulo the border that you mentioned).

I see in your branch that the fix for the border is in revision 11 but the
package is revision 10, maybe you forgot to republish.

I forgot to include manual fixes in the package...

Anyway, new theme lookss almost tolerable

This is relevant nimbus theme change:


(note, original file contained ^M s, so it's better to ignore whitespaces when you look at diff).

Removing window frame style fixes issue with solid borders around menus and introducing button style without border image and border for mate-panel /toolbar fixes caja and mate-panel view. The only thing which irritates me a bit is sometimes visible one pixel border around mate panel buttons. Don't know how to fix it (yet), but don't consider it critical. So I think I'm going to merge Mate update this week (after some testing).

Best regards,
Alexander Pyhalov,
system administrator of Southern Federal University IT department

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