If it helps, Randy F. pointed out a change in Oracle's open-source
version of drm to support "dumb" drivers in the DRM driver.  In
theory, that allows some user-space-only Xorg drivers to be used.
Would not be hard to take that change into our drm driver if that
helps things like Radeon.

Sorry I don't have time to help with this at the moment.
...nor have I much motivation, while I'm being falsely accused of
theft in here...

On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 9:27 PM, Gary Mills <gary_mi...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 05:38:06PM +0200, Jean-Pierre André wrote:
>> Gary Mills wrote:
>> >On Mon, Jun 05, 2017 at 09:24:26AM +0200, Jean-Pierre André wrote:
>> >>Yesterday I upgraded a Hipster installation from April 2016
>> >>to the latest state (by starting a pkg update).
>> >
>> >I had a similar problem, and have partially solved it.  I had an AMD
>> >Athlon system with an NVIDIA GeForce 6200 LE video card.  It was
>> >running OI Hipster installed from the 20160421 ISO.  I had installed
>> >NVIDIA-Solaris-x86-304.132 to get it to recognize the video card.
>> >When I upgraded to the current Hipster in a new BE, the BE failed to
>> >boot.
>> >
>> >I couldn't find a way to uninstall the Nvidia software I had
>> >installed, but I was able to boot an old BE that I made before I
>> >installed the software.  It was using the VESA driver for that video
>> >card, but otherwise everything ran normally.
>> Uninstalling the driver should be straightforward :
>> the install script first only does a "pkgrm" to remove
>> the former version (before doing a "pkgadd" to install
>> the requested one).
> No, because those are System V package commands.  They still could
> have damaged the previous intallation of an IPS package.
>> >Then I replaced the video card with a new low-end one that seemed
>> >current.  It was an Nvidia card with a GT730 GPU.  The cost was less
>> >than $100.  Hipster recognized that card.  It described my monitor
>> >correctly and set the resolution to the monitor's default.  The Nvidia
>> >X Server Settings GUI worked.
>> So you are also back to square one. I took a simpler
>> approach by restoring the whole system from a backup.
>> My understanding is that irreversible changes have been
>> made somewhere (dead symlinks have been found, so some
>> newly required feature is probably not available in older
>> drivers).
> I'm not quite back to square one.  I now have a stable standard system
> with a modern video card.  The OS upgrade should proceed correctly
> now.  If not, there's a bug in the new Hipster version.
>> And I have to give up upgrading.
> --
> -Gary Mills-            -refurb-                -Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada-
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