On 02/04/2019 15:57, Gary Mills wrote:
On Tue, Apr 02, 2019 at 10:54:25AM +0000, Alexander Pyhalov wrote:

If selection of device in mate-volume-control works for you, we can
just make it honor AUDIODEV is it set.

It may already do that, although perhaps not correctly.

Your patches make pulseaudio use mod_solaris module, and it doesn't
provide interfaces necessary to select device in
mate-volume-control. So we either fix mod_solaris to support these
interfaces or fix our mod_oss patches to honor AUDIODEV.

Yes, mod_solaris seemed most appropriate since illumos was derived
from Solaris.  Mod_oss seems to be for the Linux version of OSS.

On OI_151a versions this has always been OSS and it worked - so
if pulse audio only delivers a "Linux version" of OSS this should
be fixed. Please don't fall back to ancient mod_solaris, that was
history already ten years ago...
Dr.Udo Grabowski   Inst.f.Meteorology & Climate Research IMK-ASF-SAT
KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology           http://www.kit.edu
Postfach 3640,76021 Karlsruhe,Germany T:(+49)721 608-26026 F:-926026

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