
I've been looking at some of the issues in the issue tracker that are
categorized as "bite-size", to see if I could help resolve some of the
easy ones.

In looking at

Which suggests we should drop the "securitytypes=none" from the commented
Xvnc line in our lightdm.conf, I see that one of our patches specifically
adds that, and also patches the source to include it.

I can provide a patch that alters the existing patch, but I don't
understand the reason for the change in the first place.

It looks like alp and Michal are the only two to have been involved with
that patch (lightdm/patches/17-customize-config.patch).

Can anyone comment on why securitytypes=none is being added?

Tim Mooney                                   
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure                  701-231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, Quentin Burdick Building                  701-231-8541 (Fax)
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164

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