On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 11:46 PM Gary Mills <gary_mi...@fastmail.fm> wrote:

> Another progress report and some questions: I have now replaced all
> v9os packages with oi-userland packages.  There are no v9os packages
> left.  My T2000 has only oi-userland packages, ones that I have built.
> It boots correctly.  The publisher name is oi-userland, not the usual
> userland or openindiana.org .  That difference raises my first
> question.
> I've read the information on distribution-constructor:
>     http://docs.openindiana.org/dev/distribution-constructor/
> as well as the man page for distro_const .  Neither of them answered
> my questions completely.
> Will distro_const change the publisher in the ISO file, both for the
> packages and the `pkg publisher' command?  How do I do this?

If you look at:


pkg_repo_default_authority specifies the repository from which the packages
are pulled and thus the image created, while
post_install_repo_default_authority stands for the default publisher
configured on the ISO itself.

> If not, can the publisher be changed on the host system?  Does the
> publisher in `pkg publisher' have to match the one in the file
> repository?
> I see that the XML file used by distro_const specifies `entire' as the
> package that includes all the packages to install to the ISO file.
> My system has no package `entire'.  How do I create and populate it?
> Will it include some packages that do not exist?  Will this be a
> problem?

There are packages like this that can be published from metapackage/

For regular Jenkins jobs `gmake -C components incorporation` is called
after publication of new packages to generate such meta-packages.

> Finally, how do I create a USB image from the CD image?

At least on x86 both usb images and cd iso are created by distro_const.

> --
> -Gary Mills-            -refurb-                -Winnipeg, Manitoba,
> Canada-
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