Thaks for your valuable hints, hope to hear you again, so it's only a break ... 

Am 08.09.20 19:36 schrieb Andreas Wacknitz  <>: 
> Am 08.09.20 um 17:36 schrieb Alexander Pyhalov via oi-dev:
> >Hi, guys.
> >
> >I wasn't sure if this should be a public message, but when I understood that 
> >CC list reached > 5 persons, decided to send it here.
> >
> >Briefly, I'm taking a break.
> >This doesn't mean that I'll not be able to answer your questions or that I 
> >will not commit anything to OI repos - I don't know. But for now I'm 
> >changing my job and likely will relocate to Moscow in near future. Given 
> >that's new position is a new area for me, I'll just have no time for such 
> >time-consuming hobby as OI.
> >
> >I'm still excited about OI and illumos. It was a wonderful experience, but 
> >for now our ways parted.
> >Good luck. You can always reach me via my gmail account.
> >
> >Best regards,
> >Alexander Pyhalov,
> >(still) system administrator of Southern Federal University IT department
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >oi-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> Hi Alexander,
> sad to hear that, but understandable. Good luck for the next time,
> especially for your new job.
> Who is left with access to the build system? I "only" have commit rights
> but nothing else...
> Regards,
> Andreas
> _______________________________________________
> oi-dev mailing list
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