
I wonder whether there would be an interest to add a directory of
"unsupported" components in OI (OpenIndiana).

Sometimes there are packages that could be useful for some users,
and possibly too experimental for other users, or simply not
supported by the OpenIndiana maintainers.

I'm thinking of something along the lines of Patrick Volkerding's


Possibly there could even be an extra publisher, so that you have to add more 
than just

openindiana.org              origin   online F 
unsupported                  origin   online F 

although that perhaps adding unsupported components to hipster itself can also 
be done.

Also I've looked around in the oi-userland, and I see "closed" components,
but not immediately "unsupported"; maybe I just did'nt see it ...

Some examples that come to my mind: 


syslog-ng for example.

OpenIndiana has system/rsyslog  and the old legacy SUNWcs (core solaris) 

path       file   usr/sbin/syslogd pkg:/SUNWcs@0.5.11-2020.0.1.20430

Now some users may want to have syslog-ng.

I'm personally not a big fan of syslog-ng , but it is possible that it could be 
useful as an addition.

Maybe this can be in some sort of unsupported directory in OpenIndiana ?

David Stes

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