On Fri, 28 May 2021 08:27:11 -0400
Austin Kim <freen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (Any doc contributions I could make will be few and far between due
> to time, but, maybe something > nothing?)
> Also, y’all’s thoughts about possibly setting up an “oi-doc” mailing
> list in the future for the OI documentation project?

I'm not sure there's a need for a documentation list at the moment.

I have suggested some meta improvements to the existing docs - fixing
PDF generation (https://github.com/OpenIndiana/oi-docs/issues/181).
Andreas said I should post on here so the community can have full sight
of this proposal.

So far I've had a look at how the documentation can be cleaned up to
allow a useful conversion to PDF. This will require lots of small edits
to replace any existing HTML markup with markdown (where this is
possible). At the moment there's a few places where HTML has been used
instead of markdown and this doesn't work with Pandoc (the program used
to create PDF from markdown).

Having taken a closer look what is involved, I'm happy to do the work
I've suggested in the GitHub issue. Hopefully this will get the docs
into a bit of a better state, ready for new/improved/updated content to
be added.

Any thought's about the PDF docs themselves? I know BSDs have a single
PDF manual, which is one file, as well as an HTML website. Currently OI
has only a website (plus - if the work I suggest is done - PDFs for each
page of the website).


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