I've added a Pull Request, 'Add support for epub and different pandoc versions 
 which resolves a number of problems with the current makepdf.sh script.

I thought support for epub generation had been added, but this was only done 
for my own use. I tried to add this feature with the most recent changes to
makepdf.sh, but discovered that pdf generation was broken on my system. 

After some investigation, I discovered that pandoc was the culprit. The recent 
to makepdf.sh  caused pandoc to fail on my system because the version of pandoc 
I was using did not support the changes to makepdf.sh.

pandoc introduced new features in 2.3.0, and the latest Debian version of 
pandoc did
not support these features, which caused the failure. The PR contains a 
that should work with pandoc versions prior to 2.3.0 and later versions; 
although the
 results of the pdf created will be different. We do not have a pandoc package 
for OI
which would ease the problem.  However, pandoc is big and it might not be 
trivial to
create such a package for OI.

The generation of the epub format of the manuals provided, in the past, output 
was sufficient for me to proof read. Alas with the newer versions of pandoc I 
not been able to review this.

The quality of the pdf produced needs to be improved and the quality of epub has
still to be examined.

Looks like the build for this PR is failing, but the failure appears to arise 


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