Ruby 3.0.2 builds on OpenIndiana Hipster:

$ /scratch/ruby-30/bin/ruby --version
ruby 3.0.2p107 (2021-07-07 revision 0db68f0233) [i386-solaris2.11]

The following config line works to build ruby 3.0.2:

./configure --disable-dtrace --with-gcc --prefix=/scratch/ruby-30 

This is with a custom bison instead of the currently OI installed bison 3.7.6.

There's some gar (gnu ar) errors when dtrace is enabled.

The gem ext/ripper grammar has a problem with bison 3.7.6 , the generated 
ripper.c is generated by the Ruby developers using bison 3.5.1.

However when I try to use vagrant with ruby 3.0.2 that poses a problem because 
the bundle --binstubs exec step from:

is not working.  While with the tradition ruby-2.7.4 it works fine.

There may be more experimental features in ruby-3.0.2 compared to ruby-2.7.4 so 
2.7.4 is preferable anyway.

So for the moment probably it just needs some testing (or a lot of testing) 
before IPS packaging this.

In fact "vagrant" can be used perfectly well from source ...

There could just be a community documentation page on that 
documents how to install vagrant from source.  I'll make a PR for oi-docs to 
document this.

If a 'vagrant' IPS package is to be made, this would be more logically 
something for hashicorp,
since it is hashicorp's product.

David Stes

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