If someone is out there:

since system/filesystem/usr:default "Completes a dependency cycle", the internet gave me the hint to look at /var/adm/messages

I think, I've found the problem, but not the solution:

/var/adm/messages shows:

nfsv4cbd... I[D 867284 daemon.notice] nfsv4 cannot determine local hostname binding for transport tcp6 . delegations will not be available on this transport.

We disabled tcpv6 on the network. From /etc/hosts:

#::1 localhost

Am I on the right path?



Message: 1
Date: Sat, 28 May 2022 13:29:14 +0000
From: Klaus Elsbernd <klaus.elsbe...@posteo.de>
To: oi-dev@openindiana.org
Cc: klaus.elsbe...@posteo.de
Subject: [oi-dev] hipster 2021-10 failed to boot after pkg update
Message-ID: <c7cda106-4d0d-ef9f-63da-9853e9479...@posteo.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Urgent help needed :-(

a server (supermicro/xeon) has been installed and upgraded to 2021-10.
It was last updated on 2021:12:12. Today I updated the packages with

pkg update

Now the system failed to boot into multi-user/single-user mode with the
following services not started:

Enter user name tor system maintenance (control-d to bypass): root
Enter root password (control-d to bypass): single-user privilege
assigned to root on /dev/conso1e.
Entering System Maintenance Mode
May 28 14:47:56 su: ' su root' succeeded for root on /dev/console
The illumos Project illumos-b0d58672df May 2022 root@serv-1100:/root#
svcs -x svc:/system/metainit:default (SVM initialization)
State: maintenance since Sat May 28 14:46:50 2022
Reason: Completes a dependency cycle.
See: http://i1lumos.org/msg/SMF-8000-HP
See: metainit(lM)
Impact: This service is not running.
root@serv-1100:/root# beadm list
BE?? ?Active?? ?Mountpoint?? ?Space?? ?Policy Created
openindiana-2020:06:11?? ?-?? ?-?? ?62.03M?? ?static 2020-06-11 16:53
openindiana-2020:08:10 ?-?? ?-?? ?11.97M?? ?static 2020-08-10 16:44
openindiana-2020:12:29 ?-?? ?-?? ?46.41M?? ?static 2020-12-29 13:54
openindiana-2021:01:29 ?-?? ?-?? ?22.00M?? ?static 2021-01-29 12:37
openindiana-2021:05:06 ?-?? ?-?? ?11.88M?? ?static 2021-05-06 19:01
openindiana-2021:05:06-backup-l ?-?? ?-?? ?128K?? ?static 2021-05-14 15:17
openindiana-2021:06:05 ?-?? ?-?? ?1.906?? ?static 2021-06-05 12:21
openindiana-2021:06:05-1 ?-?? ?-?? ?16.68M?? ?static 2021-06-05 20:08
openindiana-2021:12:12 ?-?? ?-?? ?14.90M?? ?static 2021-12-12 17:40

open!ndiana-2022:05:28?? ?NR?? ?/ ?43.356?? ?static 2022-05-28 11:01

The machine is booting OpenIndiana Hipster 2021.10 version
illumos-b0d58672df 64-bit. Some notable errors

acpinex: cpu@0, cpudrv0
/fw/sb@0/socket@0/cpu@0 (cpudrv0) online
pseudo-device: cld0
cld0 is Zpseudo/cld@0
sorry, variable 'ip_squeue_worker_wait' is not defined in the 'ip' module
PCI Express-device: pciBBBB,3cB2@l. pcieb0

One message appeared on the console, indicating an error with a NVIDIA
module. But there is no NVIDIA graphic card installed:

/kernel/drv/amd64l/nvidia.modeset: undefined symbol 'nvidia_get_rm_ops'
WARNING: mod_load: cannot load module 'nvidia.modeset'
WARNING: nvidia_modeset: unable to resolve dependency, module 'nvidia'
not found

This is the second machine I lost. The only solution was then to boot
the previous boot environment 2021:12:12.

Any ideas?



Message: 2
Date: Sat, 28 May 2022 16:42:02 +0300
From: Toomas Soome <tso...@me.com>
To: OpenIndiana Developer mailing list <oi-dev@openindiana.org>
Cc: klaus.elsbe...@posteo.de
Subject: Re: [oi-dev] hipster 2021-10 failed to boot after pkg update
Message-ID: <894f740e-1683-4e77-8876-f2020cc22...@me.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset=utf-8

On 28. May 2022, at 16:29, Klaus Elsbernd <klaus.elsbe...@posteo.de> wrote:

Urgent help needed :-(

a server (supermicro/xeon) has been installed and upgraded to 2021-10. It was 
last updated on 2021:12:12. Today I updated the packages with

pkg update

Now the system failed to boot into multi-user/single-user mode with the 
following services not started:

Enter user name tor system maintenance (control-d to bypass): root
Enter root password (control-d to bypass): single-user privilege assigned to 
root on /dev/conso1e.
Entering System Maintenance Mode
May 28 14:47:56 su: ' su root' succeeded for root on /dev/console
The illumos Project illumos-b0d58672df May 2022 root@serv-1100:/root# svcs -x 
svc:/system/metainit:default (SVM initialization)
State: maintenance since Sat May 28 14:46:50 2022
Reason: Completes a dependency cycle.
See: http://i1lumos.org/msg/SMF-8000-HP
See: metainit(lM)
Impact: This service is not running.
root@serv-1100:/root# beadm list
BE    Active    Mountpoint    Space    Policy Created
openindiana-2020:06:11    -    -    62.03M    static 2020-06-11 16:53
openindiana-2020:08:10  -    -    11.97M    static 2020-08-10 16:44
openindiana-2020:12:29  -    -    46.41M    static 2020-12-29 13:54
openindiana-2021:01:29  -    -    22.00M    static 2021-01-29 12:37
openindiana-2021:05:06  -    -    11.88M    static 2021-05-06 19:01
openindiana-2021:05:06-backup-l  -    -    128K    static 2021-05-14 15:17
openindiana-2021:06:05  -    -    1.906    static 2021-06-05 12:21
openindiana-2021:06:05-1  -    -    16.68M    static 2021-06-05 20:08
openindiana-2021:12:12  -    -    14.90M    static 2021-12-12 17:40

open!ndiana-2022:05:28    NR    /  43.356    static 2022-05-28 11:01

The machine is booting OpenIndiana Hipster 2021.10 version illumos-b0d58672df 
64-bit. Some notable errors

acpinex: cpu@0, cpudrv0
/fw/sb@0/socket@0/cpu@0 (cpudrv0) online
pseudo-device: cld0
cld0 is Zpseudo/cld@0
sorry, variable 'ip_squeue_worker_wait' is not defined in the 'ip' module
PCI Express-device: pciBBBB,3cB2@l. pcieb0

One message appeared on the console, indicating an error with a NVIDIA module. 
But there is no NVIDIA graphic card installed:

/kernel/drv/amd64l/nvidia.modeset: undefined symbol 'nvidia_get_rm_ops'
WARNING: mod_load: cannot load module 'nvidia.modeset'
WARNING: nvidia_modeset: unable to resolve dependency, module 'nvidia' not found

This is the second machine I lost. The only solution was then to boot the 
previous boot environment 2021:12:12.

Any ideas?


If you do not have nvidia card, then this message is annoying, but harmless - 
because there is nocard, nvidia driver will not get loaded and module 
nvidia.modeset also does not load.

this other message may also be hint - "sorry, variable 'ip_squeue_worker_wait' 
is not defined in the 'ip? module?. Do you have this variable set in /etc/system? 
you can try to boot -a and when it does prompt for /etc/system, enter /dev/null



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