On Wed, Mar 08, 2023 at 01:47:25PM -0600, Tim Mooney via oi-dev wrote:
> That's generated by glib-compile-schemas(1).  From my understanding, it's
> basically just a binary cache of all of the XML schemas in that directory.
> The Gsettings classes in glib can read that binary blob.  I'm not sure if
> there's a "decompile" tool, but I kind of doubt it.
> You could try move that file aside and then regenerate it with
> glib-compile-schemas and see if you get an identical file.

Ah, I did that, and the gschemas.compiled file got larger by 1759
bytes.  The "gsettings get" commands worked.  That result looks

    <root@b550># gsettings get org.mate.panel.menubar max-recent-items
    <root@b550># gsettings get org.mate.accessibility-keyboard 

I've never seen that before on this system, only on other systems.

-Gary Mills-            -refurb-                -Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada-

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