On 12/07/2023 15:04, Stephan Althaus wrote:
On 7/7/23 19:07, Till Wegmüller wrote:
On 07.07.23 07:20, Tim Mooney via oi-dev wrote:

> The old all-in-one source is no longer a thing, so if we build from
> released tarballs, we'll potentially need to fetch and extract multiple
> components.

That has been done before and one component can handle multiple sources. Worst
case one can use a shellscript to handle the download and placing of all 

1) lib2geom is required, but it could be built and packaged separately.
Nothing else (other than inkscape) that I'm aware of uses it currently.

Would it be preferable to have it as a separate package, or just build it
and package it in the same package as inkscape?
lib2geom would be preferable seperate. Just because it's the first consumer it
wont mean it's the last.

2) some of the extensions require low-use libraries, like the 'libwpd'
that Udo mentioned.

Should the inkscape extensions that require these esoteric libraries be
split into separate packages, so 'image/inkscape' has fewer dependencies,
but 'image/inkscape/extension/wordperfect' (or whatever) can optionally
be installed to get support for that legacy format?

Yes spilitting things up is a good idea. A base set can always be bundled via
requirements via a meta package.

Next, 1.2.2 actually builds without *any* of the local patches, though I still
need to look through them to see if there are any OI-customization patches
that we still need.

Many of the existing patches are for math library functions like
log(), sin(), pow(), etc. where integers rather than doubles were being
passed.  I can update these so they apply to 1.2.2, but they seem to be
no longer required (probably because of gcc/g++ 10.x).

With int -> double convertions it is simply a build issue.


3) is it worth updating these patches, if they're not needed to actually
build any more?  I'm tempted to say no, but I'm willing to update them
if Andreas or others have strong feelings about keeping as many > possible.

As Udo mentioned runtime is most problematic.

oi-dev mailing list


if i do a

find ../../ -name pkg5 -exec grep -nH "gcc-7-runtime" {} \;|wc

in the source tree i get 86 lines..

Maybe we could start with the libs these are only 30..

pkg search -lr depend::system/library/gcc-7-runtime

gives 190, of which 85 are libraries:

pkg search -lr depend::system/library/gcc-7-runtime | cut -f3 -d: | fgrep 

Dr.Udo Grabowski   Inst.f.Meteorology & Climate Research IMK-ASF-SAT
KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology           http://www.kit.edu
Postfach 3640,76021 Karlsruhe,Germany T:(+49)721 608-26026 F:-926026

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