Happy May Day! 

We have tagged "v2.3.15.0" and moved the "release" branch marker to that point. 
This is the latest production release and is guaranteed to be API and ABI 
backwards-compatible with prior releases in the 2.3 family. Release notes are 

As a programming note, we are aiming for 2.4 release beta mid summer (and 
certainly by the beginning of August) and a full release no later than 

Release 2.3.15 (1 May 2022) -- compared to 2.3.14
* JPEG: Better handling of PixelAspectRatio. #3366
* OpenEXR: Fix DWAA compression default level. #3387
* Perf: Huge speed-up of case-insensitive string comparisons (Strutil iequals,
  iless, starts_with, istarts_with, ends_with, iends_with), which also speeds
  up searches for attributes by name in ImageSpec and ParamValueList. #3388
* New `ImageBufAlgo::st_warp()` (and `oiiotool --st_warp`) perform warping of
  an image where a second image gives the (s,t) coordinates to look up from at
  every pixel. #3379
* Python: Add ImageSpec and ParamValueList method `get_bytes_attribute()`,
  which is like `get_string_attribute()`, but returns the string as a Python
  bytes object. In Python 3, strings are UTF-8, so this can be useful if you
  know that a string attribute might contain non-UTF8 data. #3396

Larry Gritz

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