John, you asked a lot of interesting questions. I also think we should
discuss them and the mailing list is a good platform for that.

Here is my wishful thinking about OL. You may disagress, you may even
prove, I've understood OL wrong (since I now know a lot of people use
OL in ways I couldn't even imagine), but at least I've not kept my
mouth shut and colmplained afterwards.

I'm frequently doing research on book contents. Am I going to buy it
or not? Have I already read it? What the hell is this famous author
writing about since everybody knows him, except for me?
Right now, I often use Amazon for that since it contains almost every
information I need. But Amazon is closed and it sells books. I'd
prefer to have an open and neutral site which serves user interest,
not client's. OL would be great if it contained more books and more
descriptions. And I'm willing to contribute (I'm already) to see that
The interface is already quite good for doing so. What I'd like to see
is internationalization. I understand english descriptions but some
people don't. Currently, I can't add a second description in another
And I'd be happy if I could tidy up better. A lot of editions are
created as works, even if there is already a main work page. I can
copy them into the main work but the duplicate entry has to be
deleted. I understand it's a lot of work to answer all the requests
sent by users on the pages, but getting an answer takes a lot of time
from a motivated newbie's point of view. Maybe we could document a way
how to get deletion rights. More people would get the work done

Second important point:  The website should only be one interface to
that data. OL and it's data can be the solid base for a lot of
projects that do great things with books: selling, recommending,
drawing links between them, ...
Keeping an open API is encouraging cool spin off apps.
That's how I see OL's future.
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