
I have problem with configuration one of my services in OL3.

My application runs in projection EPSG:2177 and i`m trying to get one of 
the services in anoter projection (EPSG:2180) - OL3 3.17.1.

Below is the url with correct answer form server:

My object configuration in OL3:

new ol.layer.Image( {title:'Arkusze Archeologicznego Zdjęcia Polski (AZP)',
  visible : false, zIndex : 1010, opacity: 1,
   source :
  new ol.source.ImageWMS({ url : 
'http://mapy.zabytek.gov.pl/AZP/service.svc/get',ratio: 1, 
        params : {'LAYERS' : 'Sekcja_arkusza_AZP',
                                             FORMAT: 'image/png' } })

Below is URL generated  from my application:


I know the problem is in SRS and BBOX - how can i set parameter of SRS (or 
CRS) as EPSG:2180 and the bbox properties. 

Thanks Michal

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