Dear Fellow Sugar Labs Members

Recently the SLOB has become extremely dysfunctional. When this happens to this 
degree, it may be time to look for a remedy. Sometimes this will best be 
accomplished by a change in personnel. Here are what some websites have to say 
about this issue:

  *   “Occasionally, a board member needs to be removed from the board. In some 
cases, a conflict of interest or unethical behavior may be grounds to remove an 
individual from the board. In other cases, the behavior of a board member may 
become so obstructive that the board is prevented from functioning effectively.”

  *   “Opposing viewpoints are to be expected, but they should never cross the 
line into becoming obstructive to the organization’s mission. When board 
members breach into destructive or demoralizing behavior, the rest of the board 
needs to make a decision about removing one board member for the good of the 

  *   “Your operating bylaws should have a procedure outlined on how to remove 
a board member. Make sure the steps are in there now, and before you run into 
any problems down the road. The board should keep documentation on why the 
board member is being removed and the steps they take.”

The Sugar Labs Rules of Governance provide for removal by a majority vote of 
the Community Members. However this is a very cumbersome business. Most 
organizations provide for a majority vote of the board members. Our current 
Rules of Governance say:

“The members of the Oversight Board may be removed from the position at any 
time by a majority vote of the Community Members.”

To simplify this process, I  therefore wish to propose the following change to 
the Sugar Labs Rules of Governance:

Motion to be voted on by the SLOB members:

These lines in the Sugar Labs Rules of Governance shall be changed wherever 
they occur

"The members of the Oversight Board may be removed from the position at any 
time by a majority vote of the Community Members"  to

"The members of the Oversight Board may be removed from the position at any 
time by a majority vote of the Sugar Labs Oversight Board."

You folks may wish to tweak the language a bit, but I have tried to keep it as 
simple as possible.


Caryl Bigenho

Lista olpc-Sur

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