
I'm OK if you are not willing to mentor me. I'll research and learn as well.

> I have published all the ledger commands here, that I know of to hopefully
> get you started:
> 019935.html
PS a quarterly financial report makes Far More Sense that monthly voodoo /
> feel-good economics, when most transactions are reported at highly
> uncertain times many months after the fact.

Yes. Approved MOTION 2017-13 Approves the Sugar Labs Financial Manager to
have a monthly stipend of US$ TBD in exchange for: 1 complete financial
report per quarter and it's publication on the Sugar Labs Finance Wiki page.

20 hours or anybody's time to repeatedly run the same numbers is an
> extremely bad use of anybody's time in my opinion, particularly as there
> are many months with no transactions at all.
I estimated I would need to dedicate least 20 monthly hours, considering

A) English is not my native language and I have to account time for
translating and rechecking.
B) Reports publication are due since *February 2016 *(1 year and 2 quarters
to catch up).
C) All financial procedures require to be debugged and properly published
on the SL wiki.

Anyhow, if this is what you are requiring *please feel free to modify up or
down the amount of the stipend so we can move on. *


Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
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