For those of you who were not able to attend the most recent Sugar Labs
oversight board meeting [1], on 3 May, I wanted to share with you an
important decision made by the board.

Sugar Labs has been a member project of the SFC since 2008 and operated
under the SFC guidelines during that period. For the most part it has been
a productive and amicable relationship but there have been a few bumps in
the road, when Sugar Labs community members have had difficulty adhering to
some of the SFC guidelines. After several attempts to foster a less
contentious relationship, it was determined that the best course of action
is to make a change.

The board unanimously passed a motion to form a 501(c)(3) with the intent
of moving Sugar Labs resources, infrastructure, and funds into it. [2]

Devin Ulibarri, our Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) liaison communicated
this decision to Karen Sandler,  the executive director of the SFC, who
responded that the SFC would "be happy to help form the new organization."

Personally, I consider our membership in the SFC as a way-point along a
continuing journey to bring the best in Free/Libre software to education.
While I appreciate the work we have done with the SFC for more than ten
years, I look forward to a new model of independence for Sugar Labs.

The oversight board will keep the community informed of our progress
towards establishing the 501(c)(3) organization. Community input, as
always, is most welcome.


Walter Bender on behalf of the Sugar Labs oversight board


Walter Bender
Sugar Labs
Lista olpc-Sur

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