The Embedded Systems Unit at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
is happy to announce the availability of

            xSAP 1.1.0

This is a major release, containing new features, and a few bug fixes.
The documentation has been updated to cover the new features.

* New features

 o Fault library

   - The library has been extended with new fault modes: random,
     erroneous, delta-in and delta-out

 o Fault Tree Analysis

   - Probability computation using 'anytime' feature has been improved

   - FT viewer export functionality has been improved

 o FMEA analysis

   - Output of FMEA table in XML format has been added

 o TFPG analyses

   - New analyses are available: tightening and tightness checking

   - Synthesis of TFPGs has been improved

o Examples

   - Some new examples have been added to the distribution

*  Bug fixes

* The check_installation script and list of installation requirements
  have been revised

* Various minor bugs have been fixed

*  Known issues

* Under Windows OS, export of a Fault Tree from the FT Viewer (both
  image and pdf formats) produces a blank image/corrupted pdf. Issue
  will be investigated for the next release


xSAP is a tool for safety assessment of synchronous finite-state and
infinite-state systems, based on symbolic model checking techniques.

xSAP provides the following main capabilities:

* Library-based specification of faults, fault effects, and fault

* Automatic model-extension with fault specifications

* Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and generation of Minimal Cut Sets (MCS)
  for dynamic systems, for both the monotonic and non-monotonic case

* Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

* Fault propagation analysis based on Timed Failure Propagation Graphs

* Common Cause Analysis (CCA)

xSAP is currently licensed in binary form, for non-commercial or
academic purposes.

Inquiries about other usages of xSAP should be addressed to

The list of xSAP users is open for registration and discussion

Visit for more detailed information and download.

Other useful links:

* Feature requests and bug reports:
Om-announce mailing list

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