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Big Data Track,

Selected Areas in Communications Symposium, 2017 IEEE International
Conference on Communications (ICC 2017)

21-25 May 2017, Paris, France


Scope and Motivation:

This Big Data Track covers all aspects on their ideas, results, theories,
visions, and experiences in big data relevant sciences, technologies, and
applications. This track welcomes relevant paper submissions from
researchers in academia, industry, and government, such as students,
engineers, practioners, scientists, and policy makers. This track welcomes
not only original technical and scientific research results but also
technical surveys in relevant topics.

Main Topics of Interest:

To ensure complete coverage of the advances in this field, the Big Data
Networking Track solicits contributions in, but not limited to, the
following topical areas:

• Big data models, theories, algorithms, approaches, solutions

• Machine learning, data mining, web mining, and graph mining

• Data lifecycle

• Big data practices and applications

• Big data in, with, and for communications and networking

• Big data retrieval, processing, analysis, and analytics

• Big data integration and visualization

• Big data standardization and regulation

• Big data architecture, infrastructure and platforms

• Big data maintenance, management, and operations

• Big data classifications, benchmarks and metrics

• Big data acquisition, integration, cleaning, and practices

• Big data in and for research, sciences and technologies

• Big sciences and technologies

• Big business and industries

• Big data storage and management

• Privacy protection, trust in Big Data

• Policy making and legal issues in Big Data

• Security in Big Data

• Data intensive sciences and technologies

• Big data in, with, and for cloud computing and networking

• Green issues for and by big data

• Big data semantics, scientific and knowledge discovery and intelligence

• Inquiries and programming languages for big data

• Big data placement, scheduling, and optimization

• File systems and databases for big data

• Evaluations, simulations and debugging and tools relevant to big data

• Big data for smart cities and smart homes

• Big data with and for smart grids

• Big data with Internet of Things/cyber-physical systems

• Big data with relevant signal processing techniques

• Big data for biological, biomedical, and health science and technologies

• Big data for social networks

• Big data for multimedia and image processing

• Big data for astronomy

• Big data performance analysis and large-scale deployment

• Quality of experiences and quality of services of big data

• Distributed and federated datasets

• Mobility and big data

• Relevant surveys

Sponsoring Technical Committees:

• IEEE Technical Subcommittee on Big Data (TSCBD)

How to Submit a Paper:

The IEEE ICC 2017 website provides full instructions on how to submit
papers. The URL for this Big Data track is
https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=22643&track=81058 .

Submission Deadline: October 14, 2016.

Special Issues for this track. We are organizing a few Special Issues
related to this track, high quality submissions will be invited to further
extended for the Special Issues. Big Data Security and Privacy with Digital
Communications and Networks (Elsevier, due in February 2017,
). More Special Issues to be confirmed.

Any enquiries should be submit to the track chair, Dr Shui Yu, Deakin
University, Australia.

Email: s...@deakin.edu.au



Shui YU, PhD, Senior Lecturer

School of Information Technology, Deakin University,

221 Burwood Highway, Burwood, VIC 3125,  Australia.

Telephone:0061 3 9251 7744

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