
This email is to share with you some of the exciting news about Picat (picat-lang.org), a new generational programming language for AI applications and beyond.

There have been two major releases in the past year. Recent developments have significantly strengthened Picat's modeling and solving capabilities for combinatorial problems. The latest version incorporates optimized SAT encodings for global constraints, which further enhance the performance of the award-winning PicatSAT compiler. The MIP interface, which is now fully compliant with the common constraint interface, makes Picat a full-fledged modeling language for the Gurobi MIP solver.

Picat's healthy growth is not only measured by the development efforts, but also by the community's involvement. 

* During the past year, several tools have been developed that strengthen Picat's usability, including a Web IDE by AG Silva, a VSC editor by Arthur Wang, and a Python-Picat interface by Sanders Hernandez.

*  Many application examples have been written in Picat. Check, for example, Hakan Kjellerstrand's Picat page, which contains almost one thousand programs, Alfredo Beaumont's programs written for GCJ'17,  and many more on Picat's projects page.

* Several tutorial videos are now available, including: Modeling and Solving AI Problems in Picat by Roman Bartak, Introduction to Tabled Logic Programming in Picat by Sergii Dymchenko: Part 1  Part 2, Programming in Picat by Claudio Cesar de Sa (in Portuguese): 1) Picat: A Multi-paradigm Language   2) Picat and its Data Types,  and The Picat Language by Neng-Fa Zhou: Part 1  Part 2  Part 3. 

* Several academic papers were published in the 2017, including PADL'17, Comp. Prog., CP'17, and ICTAI'17.

Please follow recent developments and participate in discussions by subscribing to the Picat news group., and forward the news to your colleagues and friends who might be interested.


The Picat Team

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