The Department of Systems and Computer Engineering (SCE) at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, invites applications from qualified candidates for Two Canada Research Chair (CRC) Tier 2 appointments beginning on July 1, 2018, and a number of Postdoctoral, Doctoral and Masters positions.

SCE at Carleton is a research-intensive Department and hosts a large and active community covering the Electrical and Computer Engineering spectrum, including Software Engineering, Computer Systems Engineering, Communication Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering. Full advantage is taken of the high concentration of industry, government, and university technology organizations in the Ottawa area.

For more information about the Department, please visit

Tier 2 Chairs are intended for exceptional emerging researchers, and the two positions are in the fields of:

* Model-driven system and software engineering:

* Cybersecurity:

We also have a number of open Postdoctoral, PhD and Masters positions in different fields, ranging from Modeling, Cloud Computing, Communications Systems and Networks, Simulation, IoT up to Software Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Autonomous Vehicles, AI, Data Science and others. For Qualifying Domestic students, we have a variety of Research Assistant positions, and a new $45K Scholarship for 3 years for PhD studies, and a free-tuition program for Masters and PhDs. Also, we offer and a 2-year free tuition scholarship for top International Masters and PhD students. For further information about these positions, contact the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies at

Carleton University is a dynamic and innovative research and teaching institution with over 29,000 students, 950 academic faculty, and 2,000 staff. We encourage creative risk-taking enabling minds to connect, discover and generate transformative knowledge. Located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada's capital city has a population of almost one million and reflects the country's bilingual and multicultural character. Further information:

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