[Apologies for multiple postings]

                       Computers & Electrical Engineering

Special Issue on Advanced Techniques and Emerging Trends in Cyber-Social 


Aims and Scope

The rapid development of Web 2.0, IoT and Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) has 
increasingly brought the physical, social and mental spaces intertwined 
together into the cyberspace. The cyber social networks have made people’s 
routine life and social activities seamlessly integrate together. This scenario 
is calling for the diversified computing paradigms and computational 
intelligence algorithms, to systematically model the new phenomena, behaviors, 
properties and practices in the cyberspace. New models, strategies, and 
technologies, ranging from network dynamics, cognitive informatics, and data 
analytics, can be developed to effectively process the heterogeneous human 
individual information along with the broad applications in the cyber-social 
computing environments. Numerous challenges to be tackled in this context 
include: How to efficiently manage and handle the massive available cyber 
social data generated from various sources? How to systematically understand 
and recognize behavior patterns associated with the new phenomena across 
social-physical world? How to make best use of cyber social networks along with 
the computational intelligence hidden in tremendous human associations and 
interconnections in cyberspace, among others.

This special issue on Advanced Techniques and Emerging Challenges in 
Cyber-Social Computing aims at bringing together researchers and engineers from 
both academia and industry to disseminate their innovations on the fundamental 
theories, models, and technological solutions in terms of development of 
intelligent applications with cyber-social analytics. Therefore, this special 
issue will have a great significance and profound impact on: (i) addressing 
original theoretical researches and practice-oriented developments in the 
cyber-physical-social-related field; (ii) presenting the foundational models, 
methodologies, and architectures, which can improve technologies to deal with 
emerging challenges in cyber-social computing; (iii) promoting the practical 
technologies to realize infrastructural frameworks, functional tools, and 
adaptive services regarding to cyber-enabled applications and (iv) exploring 
interests to seek potential collaborations, and push forward the development of 
cyber-social computing with other related frontiers.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

• Analysis of Network Dynamics in Cyberspace
• Knowledge Modeling and Management in Cyber-Social Networks
• Biological Neural Network Modeling across Social-Physical World
• Computational Learning Theory in Cyber Environment
• Information Diffusion and Sharing across Multiple Social Cyberspaces
• Cyber-Social Data Processing and Intelligence Mining
• Cyber-Physical Hybrid System Design
• Trust and Reputation in Social Cyberspace
• User Behavior Analysis and Modeling in Social Cyberspace
• User Influence Measure and Model in Social Cyberspace
• Community Detection and Structural Analysis in Social Cyberspace
• Semantic Social Network Analysis
• Data-Driven Interdisciplinary Modeling and Analysis
• Cyber-Enabled Learning Analytics
• Cyber-Physical Healthcare Services
• Privacy and Security in Social Cyberspace
• Cyber-Empowered Sentiment Analysis and Mental Computing


Prospective authors are invited to submit research contributions representing 
original, previously unpublished work. All articles will be peer reviewed and 
accepted based on quality, originality, novelty, and relevance to topics of the 
special issue. All submissions should be prepared according to the Guide for 
Authors of the Computers and Electrical Engineering Journal at 
 and submitted online at https://www.evise.com/profile/#/COMPELECENG/login. To 
ensure that the manuscript is correctly identified for inclusion into the 
special section, authors must select the Article Type “SI-csc” from the 
drop-down "Issues" tab.

Important Dates

Paper Submission Due:                                 Dec. 31, 2018 (Extended)
Completion of first review cycle:                     Feb. 28, 2019
Deadline for submitting the revised papers:           Apr. 30, 2019
2nd review completion:                                Jun. 30, 2019
Notification of Final Acceptance:                     Jul. 31, 2019
Final Manuscript Due:                                 Aug. 31, 2019
Publication:                                          November 2019

Guest editors:

Xiaokang Zhou, Shiga University, Japan
Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Jia Hu, University of Exeter, UK

Contact Information
Main Guest Editor, Dr. Xiaokang Zhou 

Xiaokang Zhou (周 暁康), Ph.D.

Faculty of Data Science,
The Center for Data Science Education and Research, Shiga University
1-1-1 Banba, Hikone, Shiga 522-8522, Japan
Email: z...@biwako.shiga-u.ac.jp<mailto:z...@biwako.shiga-u.ac.jp>
Phone: +81-749-27-1290
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