On 21.01.2014 20:17, Tomasz Gajc wrote:
here is the list of first failed packages
20.Jan-openmandriva2014.0 - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Apl8cZDIWo_zdHBIUTBaTmt1Zkk2N0dCYjFYOVMxX0E&usp=sharing

This list will be updated by me for new failed packages. If you are going to fix (build completed on ABF) any of this package please type "FIXED" is STATUS column.

Hm, is it possible to make first column to be an url to build list? This will simplify life a little:)

And it would be also useful to have a column with short failure reason, like we usually do for ROSA:

This simplifies life a lot - when I see a set of packages failed due to the same stupid reason, I can write a small script that fixes a batch of packages at once.


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