Seems that that some shithead broke into my abf account and start doing builds, I've decide to go public with this because i'll cancel my account , since changing the password several times doesn't help much, pulfer vokhmin and raphael knows what I'm talking about,
since i have no clue how to fix this I'm forced to delete my abf account .
long story short , last night looks like I've build gmic ( one of my builds from 10 days ago) , this morning I've cloned in my _personal lmms and done some builds, and now what is worry me is that I've forked from rosa stk in my personal, then in oma and published it , till here is ok , just that I DID NOT DO THOSE ACTIONS AT ALL. So until I see what could be done I'll cancel my account , and contact privately the platforms admins
to restore my credentials on the new account.
Thank you



MRB ain't no shit




Talk is cheap, show me the code.

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