On 2015-06-24 16:07, Tomasz Gajc wrote:

Per what are the real benefits of moving back to rpm.org?
Does this needs some extra work on perl-URPM, urpmi, mock-urpm and various ABF subsystems ?

I think there's both benefits (esp. that it's the same thing opensuse and the likes use, so zypper will automatically get all needed changes) and drawbacks...

We rely on stuff that was added in rpm5 in quite a few spec files -- I haven't looked at rpm.org in a long time, so maybe they have been added there by now. (Either way they should be fairly easy to add if we decide to go down that route). What's the status of:

Filetype triggers
%bcond_with and friends
Suggests: handling
pkgconfig(*) and cmake(*) dependencies etc.
noarch subpackages in arch specific packages

in current rpm.org? (And does anyone else remember other rpm5-isms that may be important for us?)

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