Hello Blacky and Cookers,

Am 02.03.2016 um 09:38 schrieb Blackcrack:
well, space for free.. sounded not bad..
maybe as mirror for the mirror-supporter and [stroke]big[/stroke] huge filestore *bg* for our abf.. if works with the hardisks and the price it more cheap for 4TB as on the privatemarket.. if the 4TB harddisks only 110 euros or some can we buy maybe 2 of them ... so 8 Gig or raid with 4Gig and with the ibm-space can we store the last 4-6 Years of snapshoot.. or more ..
or all versions of each rpm like in rpm-find

I thought more of having this as a build-farm. My idea is to have something similar like the ROSA ABF which can compile stuff and produce rpms and ISOs.

IBM is making strong moves in the cloud-based business ideas. I know they sold their hardware section which they have been famous for to Lenovo but in the end: "No one ever got fired for buying IBM."

IMHO IBM is far from being dead.

Anyway I will oblige to what will be decided. Feel free to put up a Loomio vote in that case.


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