Dnia sobota, 24 grudnia 2016 16:45:38 CET Ben Bullard pisze:
> I'm the wrong person to reply to this post (lack of knowledge).:-[ For
> one do x86_64 systems use more RAM than i586? Never heard that one
> before. 
Yes that is true, because if 64bit world all instructions have double lenght, 
so this means more RAM is used. Anyways we have 2016 and not 2006, where RAM 
was expensive.

> For another what about his claim the x86_64 can't use 32 bit
> libraries and repos? I think that is just wrong on both accounts. He
> sums up with this:
> "But again, for home users, x86.64 brings NOTHING, and 32 keeps a
> lighter system for equivalent performance."

When you are rich, there is not point of eating dirt.

In case of 64 bit processors, each 32 bit instructions that comes from 32 bit 
operating system is "filled" with zeros to match 64 bit lenght. This means 
adding zeros at the end of instructions does cost performance.

> https://forum.openmandriva.org/t/call-for-testing-om-lx-3-01-isos/860/31


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