
if we goes back to an rpm-installer (now the possible with the calamares internal rpminstaller) it was this an issue, because by any install it is also possible to update and
therewith verify it automatical.
And any problem/issue can find and  fix directly
and support the bugfixing also directly because all pakets
who not fit, be automatical eye-catching/ flamboyant/ flashy/conspicuously
If the Installer (calamares) recognizes/dedect to be a OMLx System on it
and it exist an system on the harddisk on "/" can it update the ground system also
via rpm's who be stored on the DVD / and via blueray too ..
so it is also possible a fully distro (i586/i686 and x86_64) store on a Blueray
and therewith can install and update offline too..

and at last it is checking the dependencies of the rpm's too.
and tell automatical, if all ok. or wrong..
and automatically uncovers the hidden errors / and
uncovers the hidden mistakes automatically

different Distributions use an rpm-install/update too,
because even this problematic/task
and solution of the errors in the distributions ..

best regards

Am 20.03.2017 um 01:36 schrieb Ben Bullard:

I've forgotten a lot of questions I've wanted answered 'cause we haven't had a meeting for a month or more. Three that have come up recently are:

1. Users can't update because when Plasma 5.9.3 packages got moved to main-updates plasma-desktop was left behind in main-testing resulting in users getting this error:

    One package could not be installed,

task-plasma-minimal-5.9.3-1-omv2015.0.noarch (due to the lack of plasma-desktop-5.9.3-1-omv2015.0.i586)

2. Does OpenMandriva/Calamares support encrypted partitions as part of install process? Honestly I don't know much about this but when I've tried it doesn't work.

message: "The installer failed to create file system on partition /dev/sdc5." details: "==========================================================================================\nCommand: cryptsetup -s 512 --batch-mode --force-password luksFormat /dev/sdc5\n==========================================================================================\n"
    18:14:20 [0]: Calamares will now quit.

3. In Live mode is Calamares supposed to be able to be started more than once? Currently it won't. If user encounters a problem and install fails trying to restart Calamares results in a core dump. So then user has to reboot the .iso.


Ben Bullard
OpenMandriva-QA Team

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