Let's get back to 3.02 release.
Kapps update is done, you can test it by updating your system. Feel free to
post here any issues with updating packages.

3.02 iso  contains:
Plasma 5.9.5
Kde Frameworks 5.33.0
Kapps 17.04.0
Kernel 4.11
systemd 233
and many more.

Next steps needed to make this release happen:
1. Volunteers
2. Update digikam, krita and calligra
3. Update wiki page related to 3.02 release
4. Prepare pre-announcement and publish it on blog, social medias etc.
5. Build I so
6. Test I so
7. Prepare final announcement and release 3.02

Who's ready to help to complete above list?
OM-Cooker mailing list

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