Ubuntu Xenial LTS
Package which are installed:
omd-2.11.20160829-labs-edition/testing,now 0.ubuntu16.04 amd64 [Installed,auto]
omd-labs-edition-daily/testing,now 2.11.20160829 all [installed]
Hello everybody,
I installed these Version of OMD and created an Instance.
Unfortunately when i try to Login to the omd site hey redirects me anytime on 
the thrurk gui .. even if i change the omd gui in the omd option menue.
So my guess is that in any apache  configuration is an entry for an exiplicit 
But my we can  take an easier way. If someone could tell me an version which is 
working with xenial and has no redirect it will be okay also .. cause i still  
had  an snapshot before ...
Thanks in advance 
regards john 
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