We have a couple of machines with all SSD pool (~6-10 Samsung 850 pro is the current favorite). They work great for IOPS. Here's my take. 1) you don't need a dedicated zil. Just let the zpool intersperse it amongst the existing zpool devices. They are plenty fast enough. 2) you don't need an L2arc for the same reason. a smaller number of dedicated devices would likely cause more of a bottleneck than serving off the existing pool devices (unless you were to put it on one of those giant RDRAM things or similar, but that adds a lot of expense)

On 4/4/2015 3:07 PM, Chris Nagele wrote:
We've been running a few 4U Supermicro servers using ZeusRAM for zil and SSDs for L2. The main disks are regular 1TB SAS.

I'm considering moving to all SSD since the pricing has dropped so much. What things should I know or do when moving to all SSD pools? I'm assuming I don't need L2 and that I should keep the ZeusRAM. Should I only use certain types of SSDs?



Chris Nagele
Co-founder,Wildbit <http://wildbit.com/>
Beanstalk <http://beanstalkapp.com/>, Postmark <http://postmarkapp.com/>, dploy.io <http://dploy.io/>

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