Blackduck does this for you.

On 12/7/15 7:44 AM, Dan McDonald wrote:
On Dec 7, 2015, at 8:13 AM, Davide Poletto <> wrote:

Is there a way to rank/evaluate and so reward/honour (by, as example, 
purchasing their products or by sustaining their development as 
testers/free-time contributors) those {individuals, companies, institutions} 
that clearly demonstrate not only to have good numbers (commits) but also that 
they care about the community and that are more transparent than others in 
advertising their commercial offer's origin?
That's a damned good question.  It's also very tricky.

Some firms keep things closed until they've released, or after some time after they've 
released.  Some find this fair enough, others find it annoying.  Because people are 
different, it may be hard to get a consensus on how to rank/evaluate firms the way you 
wish.  BTW, I lean toward "fair enough" so long as there's consistency and not 
going back on one's word.
Keeping to one's word is important to me.  I didn't leave Oracle because of the 
Solaris-closing: if you read the text of that leaked email, it implied a 
source-dump-on-release model. Only after I left Oracle did it become clear that 
it was all a big lie.

You're chasing a hard problem.  You may not get much sympathy.  Making things MORE complicated is 
that "illumos" as a brand is still tightly tied up by its owner. Many feel that it's tied 
up too tightly, and that is why you rarely see "illumos" mentioned in marketing 
materials, especially not the trademarked symbol.

I'm sorry I don't have better answers for you right now.  It's a hard problem, 
and many of us who might be able to help clarify things are trying to keep all 
of the machinery moving as smoothly as we can.


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