There are a 6 changes that have not been up streamed from:

We definitely need: (and probably whatever was done before

On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 3:42 PM, Jaakko Linnosaari <> wrote:

> On 16 Jan 2017, at 17.40, Mini Trader <> wrote:
> I used the following dtrace to get insight into what was happening (ran it
> from global zone).
> dtrace -n 'fbt:genunix:vnodetopath_common:entry /pid == $target/ {
> printf("%s\n",stringof(args[1]->v_path)) }' -q -x strsize=4k -p 22482
> I stumbled upon a similar bug (?) with Alpine 3.5 in LX zone and used this
> dtrace to see what is going on. No LOFS involved.
> I ran these commands:
> lxforum:~# cd /tmp
> lxforum:/tmp# mkdir foo
> lxforum:/tmp# mkdir foo/bar
> lxforum:/tmp# cd foo
> lxforum:/tmp/foo# cd bar
> lxforum:/tmp/foo/bar# cd ..
> lxforum:/tmp/foo# cd ..
> lxforum:/tmp# mv foo baz
> lxforum:/tmp# cd baz
> lxforum:/tmp/baz# cd bar
> -ash: getcwd: No such file or directory
> lxforum:(unknown)#
> dtrace looks like this:
> # pfexec dtrace -n 'fbt:genunix:vnodetopath_common:entry /pid == $target/
> { printf("%s\n",stringof(args[1]->v_path)) }' -q -x strsize=4k -p 1100
> /dpool/zones/lxforum/root/tmp
> /dpool/zones/lxforum/root/tmp
> /dpool/zones/lxforum/root/tmp/foo
> /dpool/zones/lxforum/root/tmp/foo/bar
> /dpool/zones/lxforum/root/tmp/foo
> /dpool/zones/lxforum/root/tmp
> /dpool/zones/lxforum/root/tmp
> /dpool/zones/lxforum/root/tmp/baz
> /dpool/zones/lxforum/root/tmp/foo/bar
> So it would seem that renaming/moving a directory doesn’t update all links
> appropriately.
> — Jaakko
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