Please refresh your copy by downloading here:

Here are the checksums:

        md5 (r151021-kayak.iso) = f4a726113e74dd84e3c74d9f5cfe7c95
        sha1 (r151021-kayak.iso) = d9c6381e7d7c792610b5f19c1c3a546b168d495a
        sha256 (r151021-kayak.iso) = 

It has two noteworthy fixes:

1.) Job Control now works for the installer menu and its child processes, 
including the shell you can access!

2.) Thanks to IRC user "thebug" for confirming this, but it now has sufficient 
bugfixes (thanks esp. to Delphix for PR-ing an illumos 7777 fix into 
illumos-omnios) to detect and install vioblk devices, at least in a SmartOS KVM 

Other fixes were included by synching with early today's illumos-gate fixes, 
the most recent being:

commit ff157c8690676593df83d0602f60f960862d3492
Author: Toomas Soome <>
Date:   Sat Nov 12 18:27:42 2016 +0200

    7896 loader.efi: Don't set *dev in the zfs root case, it may be NULL

I'm taking tomorrow away from ISO work to spend the day reading & reviewing 
code or other people's designs (modulo an OmniOS emergency), so pardon any 
latency on getting things fixed in the next 24 hours.


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