This isn't make it in to 020. It will be in the 022, the next LTS. We plan to 
make an announcement on that soon regarding its availability.

BTW, if you're curious if a specific commit is present in a particular branch 
in git, you can clone the repo and make sure the branches you're interested in 
are activated, and run the command:

git branch --contains <commit hash>

and it will tell you which branch(es) that commit is in.


> On Apr 1, 2017, at 10:25 AM, John Barfield <> wrote:
> Good morning,
> Simple question today...I couldnt find an itemized list of bugfixes that are 
> rolled into the latest release version so I wanted to see if this:
> Is in r151020 or if I need to wait for the next LTS release, or if I needed 
> to backport it.
> Thanks and have a great weekend!
> John Barfield
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