ZIL pre-allocates at the block level, so think along the lines of 12k or 132k.
 — richard

> On Jun 23, 2017, at 11:30 AM, Günther Alka <a...@hfg-gmuend.de> wrote:
> hello Richard
> I can follow that the Zil does not add more fragmentation to the free space 
> but is this effect relevant?
> If a ZIL pre-allocates say 4G and the remaining fragmented poolsize for 
> regular writes is 12T
> Gea
> Am 23.06.2017 um 19:30 schrieb Richard Elling:
>> A slog helps fragmentation because the space for ZIL is pre-allocated based 
>> on a prediction of
>> how big the write will be. The pre-allocated space includes a 
>> physical-block-sized chain block for the
>> ZIL. An 8k write can allocate 12k for the ZIL entry that is freed when the 
>> txg commits. Thus, a slog
>> can help decrease free space fragmentation in the pool.
>>  — richard
>>> On Jun 23, 2017, at 8:56 AM, Guenther Alka <a...@hfg-gmuend.de> wrote:
>>> A Zil or better dedicated Slog device will not help as this is not a write 
>>> cache but a logdevice. Its only there to commit every written datablock and 
>>> to put it onto stable storage. It is read only after a crash to redo a 
>>> missing committed write.
>>> All writes, does not matter if sync or not, are going over the rambased 
>>> write cache (per default up to 4GB). This is flushed from time to time as a 
>>> large sequential write. Writes are fragmented then depending on the 
>>> fragmentation of the free space.
>>> Gea
>>>> To prevent it, a ZIL caching all writes (including sync ones, e.g. nfs) 
>>>> can help. Perhaps a DDR drive (or mirror of these) with battery and flash 
>>>> protection from poweroffs, so it does not wear out like flash would. In 
>>>> this case, how-ever random writes come, ZFS does not have to put them on 
>>>> media asap - so it can do larger writes later. This can also protect SSD 
>>>> arrays from excessive small writes and wear-out, though there a bad(ly 
>>>> sized) ZIL can become a bottleneck.
>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>> Jim
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