
"Al Slater" <al.sla...@scluk.com> írta 2017-07-27 12:17-kor:
> So, I thought I would try to produce my own AMI with hvm virtualization.
> I am looking to use omniosce r151022, is this likely to work at all?

I haven't tryed to upgrade my r151022 with the ce updates, but I'm pretty
sure that it must work.

> I have read https://omnios.omniti.com/wiki.php/Ec2Ami, does anyone know
> how that procedure would be amended to cater for loader/hvm instead of
> pv-grub?

If you use hvm, then there is no need for an extra loader. Just install
omnios, as you would onto the "virtual" hdd.
However, I never tried amazon's env. I experimenting with omnios on my home
nas. (See my mail two days ago)

The only drawback what I found: if the xen hypervisor is >=4.6 (or >4.5.1 I
don't know yet), then the pv network driver won't work.

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