What is the trust-anchor-directory property set to on the image root?

% pkg property trust-anchor-directory
PROPERTY               VALUE
trust-anchor-directory etc/ssl/pkg

(or pkg -R /rpool/zones/lss-ganglia02/root property)


On Fri, 25 Aug 2017, Paul Jochum wrote:

; Hi John and Andy:
;     I tried it from the host, and received the same error message (output
; below).  I know the host has internet connectivity, since I was able to use
; nearly the same command (without the -R option of the zone name/path), to set
; the publisher on the host.  In the example below, the wget command copies the
; new cert to *.pem.1, (since I had previously used wget to set-publisher on the
; host), and that file is identical to the omniosce-ca.cert.pem file I used to
; set-publisher on the host.
; # zoneadm list -cv
;   ID NAME             STATUS     PATH BRAND    IP
;    0 global           running    / ipkg     shared
;    1 lss-ganglia02    running    /rpool/zones/lss-ganglia02 lipkg    shared
; # zoneadm -z lss-ganglia02 halt
; # zoneadm -z lss-ganglia02 detach
; # /usr/bin/wget -P /etc/ssl/pkg
; https://downloads.omniosce.org/ssl/omniosce-ca.cert.pem
; --2017-08-25 08:19:59--
; https://downloads.omniosce.org/ssl/omniosce-ca.cert.pem
; <proxy info removed>
; Length: 2175 (2.1K) [application/x-x509-ca-cert]
; Saving to: '/etc/ssl/pkg/omniosce-ca.cert.pem.1'
; omniosce-ca.cert.pe 100%[===================>]   2.12K --.-KB/s    in 0s
; 2017-08-25 08:20:00 (209 MB/s) - '/etc/ssl/pkg/omniosce-ca.cert.pem.1' saved
; [2175/2175]
; # /usr/bin/pkg -R /rpool/zones/lss-ganglia02/root set-publisher -P -g
; https://pkg.omniosce.org/r151022/core/ omnios
; pkg set-publisher: The origin URIs for 'omnios' do not appear to point to a
; valid pkg repository.
; Please verify the repository's location and the client's network
; configuration.
; Additional details:
; Unable to contact valid package repository
; Encountered the following error(s):
; Unable to contact any configured publishers.
; This is likely a network configuration problem.
; Unable to locate a CA directory: /etc/openssl/certs
; Secure connection is not available.
; Thanks,
; Paul
; On 08/24/2017 07:03 PM, John D Groenveld wrote:
; > In message <dd328391-ede4-e22d-3f9e-2a1e9ad64...@nokia.com>, Paul Jochum
; > writes
; > :
; > > configuration.
; > > Additional details:
; > >
; > > Unable to contact valid package repository
; > > Encountered the following error(s):
; > > Unable to contact any configured publishers.
; > > This is likely a network configuration problem.
; > > Unable to locate a CA directory: /etc/openssl/certs
; > > Secure connection is not available.
; > >
; > > This worked fine on the host of that zone, and on other zones (located
; > > on other hosts, but all at the same level of software). Any suggestions
; > > on how to fix this?  (And I checked, there is no /etc/openssl directory
; > > on this or any of my other omnios machines, but there is the
; > > /etc/ssl/certs directory and it looks very similar to other
; > > /etc/ssl/certs on machine which did not have a problem updating the
; > > publisher)
; > Shot in the dark assuming lipkg brand zone:
; > # zoneadm -z $zone halt
; > # zoneadm -z $zone detach
; > # /usr/bin/wget -P $zonepath/root/etc/ssl/pkg \
; > https://downloads.omniosce.org/ssl/omniosce-ca.cert.pem
; > # pkg -R $zonepath/root set-publisher -P \
; > -g https://pkg.omniosce.org/r151022/core/ omnios
; > # zoneadm -z $zone attach -U
; >
; > John
; > groenv...@acm.org
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