Hello Josef,

vm_base_name is to avoid confusion. You can have multiple vm1_component_name, 
because OpenStack uses UUID not VM names, but you will be confused. 
vm_base_name is independent from DNS configuration. The DNS configuration 
doesn’t require any change, it’s just a FQDM-IP address mapping, but the FQDN 
doesn’t need to necessarily match the VM name (indeed, despite some similarity, 
it doesn’t).

Hope this helps.


From: <onap-discuss-boun...@lists.onap.org> on behalf of Josef Reisinger 
Date: Wednesday, June 7, 2017 at 8:55 AM
To: "onap-discuss@lists.onap.org" <onap-discuss@lists.onap.org>
Subject: [onap-discuss] Is it ok to replace the value of vm_base_name "vm1" to 
"vm2" in the ONAP HEAT template?


I am running currently two independent ONAP environments. To avoid to be too 
confused, I changed the value of parameter  vm_base_name from "vm1" to "vm2", I 
am not sure that this is consistently configured throughout the environment as 
I see a log of entries with "vm1" in the name in the dns server config. 
Liekwise I assume this is is true for the VMs which use host names to connect 
to each other.
Should I better revert to "vm1" for both environments for the next stack 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards
Josef Reisinger

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